The Elementalist + PDF

The Elementalist + PDF


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The Elementalist is a player character class for DCC RPG.

- Full rules for playing Elementalists in your DCC games.

- Unique rules for magic including specific Patron Demands and Composing a Spellbook.

- Unique Astral Winds table create an ebb and flow for the intensity of elemental magic that changes from day to day.

- Unique language "spell" called Natural Language for pulling visions from the environment around the caster.

- Unique Elementalist Equipment Table (based on a copper standard).

This is the seventh installment in a collection of mini zines perfect for home and convention games. No need to pass books around the table. Do you need the rules for your class during the game? Here they are in a nice compact format.

Note: This class is still in the feedback stage. Comments are welcome! Expect periodic notifications in the coming months that this file has been updated.